Chuck's Monthly Minutes (April '19)

We are preparing for the spring bottling of 2019.  We will be doing 10 wines now and a few later.  We are busy in the vineyard too, but attention is focused on the new releases.

On the dry, but lighter side we have a nice 2018 vintage Riesling.  It’s a well-balanced fruity aromatic wine, approachable for all wine drinkers.  The Grüner is also vintage 2018 with the expected dry fresh flavor and surprising tropical fruit notes.  The Bison Roots Orange is our first bottling of a Pinot Gris product with prolonged skin contact and early fermentation oxygen exposure.  It is a completely dry smooth wine with a little color.  Dry Pinot noir Rose is the still version of our versatile grape that we make in limited release for the summer season.  

Our red wines take a little longer to mature but are worth the wait.  Saperavi 2017 will not disappoint.  It has the signature Saperavi grape triad of dark color, soft pH and deep acidity for ageing.  The Estate Lemberger is a blend of multiple barrel aged vintages of just one grape variety. Our house blend, 1812 is back and better than ever.  We blend Pinot Noir with Lemberger and a touch of light oak barrel maturing for my favorite red blend yet. 

Sweet wine lovers get to see some old favorites return.  The Homestead Red is the next version of our Governor’s Cup winning Sweet Red.  I think it is better.  Blush is also back and better than ever made from a field blend of best ripening light varieties.  For dessert we have the new small bottle sweet red chocolate wine.  It is a sweet sipping flavor enhancer that can make any meal special.  

Fero Vineyard & Winery